Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is it?

Do you know what this is?

Yes, that's right....PLYWOOD ON THE SHOP ROOF!  We've worked ourself to a frenzy getting this ready for today.  Actually, Chuck and Gene had the last barge rafters on by 10:30 yesterday morning.  We still weren't sure we were going to make it until Gene decided that if he cut the overhangs down to 12", he could manage the barge rafters from the inside.  Thus not needing to build a 3 story high scaffold on the outside.  (Barge rafters are the fascia on the gable ends.  Notice they are pre-painted.  I'm not a fan of hanging from the trees to paint them.)

Anyway, they finished this side today and will do the other side tomorrow.  They put the roofing paper on as they went, so it's 'dry'.  We're so looking forward to it being under cover tomorrow.  Then Monday they return to roof the entire project.  Chuck and Gene a still busy finishing details on the garage roof structure.  The breezeway, garage and carport roofs are now totally sheeted.

You might also notice that it's been backfilled.  I forgot to put those pic's up....well, honestly, I can't find the photos.  Ooops.  Maybe because that was my 'melt-down' day.  Watching the cat work in such tight quarters (along the back here) barely missing the truss tails, was more than my nerves could take.  I had to walk away, call a friend and have her help me process my angst.

That's it for today.  Dee and I worked our little tails off today...not.  Watching and second guessing Chuck and Gene in the garage roof working on a detail where the top of the breezeway roof joins it, was exhausting.  Besides, it was cold out...sitting and doing nothing in the cold just drains a person!  Sure, we could go inside in the warm, but what fun would that be?  There's housework in there!  I've had the perfect excuse to ignore, dusting, vacuuming and cooking for almost 2 months now!  Aside from it being obvious, it's been great!

Party on!


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