Friday, November 11, 2011

Is that a floor, or am I dreaming?

Yes! Toto, it's a floor!

Kyle came down and helped on Sunday.  With the 3 of us, we got it half done.  And were exhausted.  But, we also moved a pile of 3/4" plywood for the upstairs floor and the other half of this plywood, 1 1/8", inside out of the weather.  Then Gene and I worked at it a few sheets at a time every evening this week, until finishing it last night...after Gene took 1/2 the day off.

We couldn't have done it without you, Kyle!  Thank you!

I'm now waiting for the weather to warm, just a little, so, the finish can go on.  A few sheets at the far end have some finish, but it requires 45º and well, it's not!

So, Chuck and Dee said they'd come over this Sunday and help get plywood upstairs.  That's gunna be fun!  or not.  Maybe Chuck and Gene can get the doors in, too.  Or maybe Gene and I can do the single door tomorrow.  The double door in the back is way too heavy for just the 2 of us!

And Monday...P O W E R!  The electricians come.  I picture them swooping in putting up some fixtures, snapping their fingers and voila', light and power!  No more cords getting in the way every time you move!  Ok, reality...maybe it will take a day or two.

Whatever, Gene's starting to dream about getting his table saw dug out and set up, while I'm fancying a small kiln in the top right corner.  Hey, I could take up ceramics!  Or he could get a new table saw....

But, for the rest of the afternoon, I get to go out and sweep/vacuum the sawdust on the new floor.  Then if it gets warm enough...throw some finish down.

Party on!


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